Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Porcine equality

Pig, its whats for dinner. Not quite the same ring really. However, pork is much consumed all over the world and the United States and Britain are leaders in pork consumption. I have always liked pigs, both their inquisitive natures and their funny language of grunts and squeals. Now there is a real push to farm pigs and not pork. I like the idea of raising pigs in an environment that mimics, as far as possible, their natural ecological niche. I remember all too well the overcrowding, torn up, treeless, stretches where we raised pigs when I was young. Free range pigs aren't likely to be worth the immense trouble of prohibiting their wanderlust from overwhelming their appreciation of home sweet home, but we have all heard that pigs are smarter than dogs (scientists have even found that pigs have regio-specific dialects). Why not try the collar shock buried electric fence thing that has so many lab owners jumping for joy? I think it will happen sooner than you think, but only if you are willing to pay a premium for humanely and sustainably raised pork chops and hams. Americans spend a far lower percentage of their annual income on food than citizens of other developed nations, particularly those in the EU. Isn't it cool to imagine that this will change over the next ten or fifteen years? It would solve many more problems than it would create. DON"T SHOP FOR GROCERIES AT WAL-MART.


Unknown said...

Do you think you'd like to become an organic/humane pig farmer?

Hollis said...

This requires more land than i am ever likely to own.